A left-invariant preordering on a group $G$ is a reflexive, transitive and a complete relation $\preceq$ on $G$ such that $x\preceq y$ implies $gx\prec gy$ for any $g$ (anticommutativity is not requred). A preordering is discrete if for some element $a\succ 1$ there is no elements $b$ such that $1\prec b\prec a$. The element $a$ is called a least positive element.
Let $G$ be the surface group of an oriented surface (for example, the free group $F_n$). The question is: which elements $a\in G$ are least minimal for some discrete preordering on $G$?
The answer is negative for $a\in G$ which are not "homotopically prime", i.e. $a=b^k$, $k>1$.
The answer is positive for $a$ which are "homologically prime", i.e. the projection $\bar a$ of $a$ is prime in the abelianization $G_{\mathrm{ab}}=G/[G,G]$. Indeed, there is a homomorphism $\bar\phi: G_{\mathrm{ab}}\to\mathbb Z$ such that $\bar\phi(\bar a)=1$. Then the corresponding homomorphism $\phi:G\to \mathbb Z$ defines the required preordering: $x\preceq y$ iff $\phi(x^{-1}y)\ge 0$.
What about the elements which do not belong to those two subsets?