Let $E$ be a topos and let $\Omega_E$ be its subobject classifier. We can consider $\Omega$ as an internal poset in $E$, and thus we may form the $E$-topos of internal presheaves $\hat{\Omega}_E := [\Omega_E^{\text{op}},E]$. This feels like a "fatter" version of the relative Sierpinski $E$-topos $\mathbb{S}_E := [\cdot\!\to\!\cdot,E]$, but I don't know what it is geometrically. (Indeed, when $E$ is boolean, I suppose this is exactly the Sierpinski $E$-topos.)
I encountered this topos through essentially domain-theoretic considerations; in particular, when developing domain theory within a topos $E$, the partial map classifier monad of the topos lifts to a lifting monad $L$ on internal dcpos. When you consider $L(1) = \Omega_E$, you have what should be considered a Sierpinski space in the sense of internal domain theory and denotational semantics. But taking $E$-valued sheaves on this "Sierpinski $E$-dcpo", I think we would not get the actual Sierpinski $E$-topos, but rather (I suppose), the rather strange topos that I opened the question with.
I am wondering whether anyone has some experience or insight on this topos, and am curious about the following questions:
- Is there a description of the $E$-geometric theory that $\hat{\Omega}_E$ classifies?
- There is an essential geometric morphism of $E$-topoi $\mathbb{S}\to \hat{\Omega}_E$ corresponding to the inclusion $2\hookrightarrow\Omega_E$. What other properties does this morphism have?
- Does this topos occur anywhere in the literature?