I have a vector space which is a tensor product of two vector spaces, of dimensions $d_1, d_2$ respectively.
Consider Haar random unitaries acting on the full space with matrix elements $U_{i_1 j_1, i_2j_2}$, where indices $i_1,i_2$ run over the first space and $j_1,j_2$ run over the second space.
Define a new matrix with matrix elements $V_{i_1,j_1} := U_{i_1 j_1, 00}$. Is the distribution of $V$ well-known? (Perhaps only in the special cases $d_1=d_2$?)
Additionally, in the case of random unitaries Weingarten calculus tells us the expectation values of products of the matrix elements of $U$ (more precisely, occurring in a balanced polynomial). Is there a similar calculation for the matrix elements of $V$?
Note: $U_{i_1 j_1,00}$ defines a Haar random vector, and $V$ amounts to reshaping the legs of the vector into a matrix.