The Jacobi form of Lamé equation is given by \begin{equation} \left(\frac{d^2 }{du^2} - n(n+1)k^2 \operatorname{sn}^{2}(u)-E\right)\Psi (u) = 0, \end{equation} where $k\in(0, 1)$ is parameter related to the elliptic modulus of the Jacobi elliptic functions, and the linearly independent solutions are given as $$\Psi^ ±(u) = \frac{H(u ± α)}{ Θ(u)Θ(α)} e^{∓uZ(α)}$$ where where $dn^2α = E − k^ 2$, $dn(·)$ is the delta amplitude function, and $H(u)$, $Θ(u)$ and $Z(u)$ denote the Jacobi Eta, Theta and Zeta functions.
I am only interested in Lame equation in the case $n=1$; (Can the solution be reduced?) Since the solution as above is not easy to work with, I am wondering if it can be represented explicitly, in a nicer algebraic form? Although the problem is well studied, I find that the relevant literature is somewhat limited.