I am curious about the following result concerning the Robinson-Schensted insertion procedure. I can formulate a proof via the Schützenberger evacuation operator, but I have struggled to find such an argument in the literature, although I believe it should be well-known.
Let $w\in S_n$ be a permutation on $[1,n]$. Given an interval $I\subseteq[1,n]$, write $w\vert_I$ for the partial permutation whose values are those of $I$. Given a standard tableau $T$ on $n$ boxes, write $T\vert_I$ for the skew tableau obtained by restricting $T$ to the values of $I$.
Finally, we let $P(-)$ denote the Schensted insertion (partial) tableau for a (partial) permutation. The result says that for every $w\in S_n$ and every interval $I$, we have:
where $\mathsf{rect}$ is the rectification of a skew tableau via jeu-de-taquin.
Any comments would be appreciated!