A special case of locally symmetric spaces is the moduli space of abelian varieties of a given dimension $g$ (over a given base field $k$), lets call it $\mathcal{A}_g$ and is a $k$-scheme. For any field extension $l/k$, we have (I think) $$\mathcal{A}_{g,l}=\mathcal{A}_g\times_{k} l.$$ In particular if $l/k$ is say étale, then the moduli space of abelian varieties (as a scheme over $l$) is an étale cover of the moduli space of abelian varieties over $k$ (I'm not sure about this and apologies if this is wrong).
However some locally symmetric spaces we care about in number theory are of course not schemes but "just" manifolds, however still dependent on a base field, i.e. $$X_k:=Gl_n(k)\backslash [Gl_n(k\otimes \mathbb{R})/\mathbb{R}_{>0}K_{\infty}\times Gl_n(\mathbb{A}_{k,f})/K].$$ My question is if there exists a similar phenomenon that there exists a naturual map $X_l\to X_k$ which is a covering?