Consider the group algebra of the symmetric group $\mathbb{C}S_n$. Then there is a corresponding Lie algebra $\mathfrak{L}(S_n)$ defined by $$[\sigma, \tau] = \sigma\circ\tau - \tau\circ\sigma,$$ where $\sigma, \tau \in S_n$. The structure of $\mathfrak{L}(S_n)$ in terms of simple factors has been considered in this post. One can also ask the same question for the Lie subalgebra of $\mathfrak{L}(S_n)$ generated by transpositions, which was considered in this post.
Now, since there is a $\mathbb{Z}_2$ grading of $\mathbb{C}S_n$, one can also define a Lie superalgebra $s\mathfrak{L}(S_n)$ on it by replacing the commutators with anti-commutators $$\{\sigma, \tau\} = \sigma\circ\tau + \tau\circ\sigma,$$ for all $\sigma, \tau \in S_n^{(1)}$, where $S_n^{(1)}$ is the odd part of the symmetric group, and all other commutators remain unchanged. Now we have similar questions: what is the structure of $s\mathfrak{L}(S_n)$ in terms of simple Lie superalgebras? What is the subalgebra of $s\mathfrak{L}(S_n)$ generated by transpositions?
My attempt is for $n=3$, $s\mathfrak{L}(S_n) \cong \mathfrak{gl}(1|1) \oplus \mathfrak{gl}(1|0) \oplus \mathfrak{gl}(0|1)$, while the subalgebra generated by transpositions is $\mathfrak{sl}(1|1) \oplus \mathfrak{gl}(1|0) \oplus \mathfrak{gl}(0|1)$. I think in general $s\mathfrak{L}(S_n)$ should be very similar to $\mathfrak{L}(S_n)$, but it might be much harder to determine the subalgebra generated by transpositions.