I was wondering if anything could be said at all about the well-psedness of the following time-inhomogeneous singular diffusion SDE:
\begin{align}d X_t&=\sigma(X_t,t ) d W_t , \qquad t\geq 0, \, X_0 \in \mathbb R \\ \sigma(x,t )&=t^{-\alpha} b(x) \qquad \, \alpha>0, \end{align}
with $b$ as nice as required (say bounded, or Lipschitz continuous and sublinearly growing).
I can imagine for existence one needs at least $\alpha <1/2$ so that $\sigma \in L^2(\mathbb R, [0,T])$. Perhaps something could be achieved by time reversal?
The following paper may be relvant, but I am not entirely sure of its applicability