Here we bound the entire spectrum of $\Sigma'$, from below and above. This post is inspired by a comment of user @BrendanMcKay.
Claim. $\lambda_\max(\Sigma') = O(m/n)$ and $\lambda_\min(\Sigma') = \Omega(n/m)$.
Proof. As remarked by user @BrendanMcKay, $\Sigma' = D + E$, where $D$ is an $m \times m$ diagonal matrix with $D_k = 1/4$ for all $k \in [m]$ and $E$ is an $m \times m$ psd matrix with entries of order $O(1/n)$.
Upper-bound. Since $\Sigma'$ is symmetric, one has
\lambda_\max(\Sigma') = \|\Sigma'\|_{op} &\le \sqrt{\|\Sigma'\|_1\|\Sigma'\|_\infty} = \|\Sigma'\|_\infty\\
& = \max_{1 \le k \le m}\sum_{1 \le \ell \le m}|\mathbb E\,x'_k x'_\ell|\\
& = \max_{1 \le k \le m}\sum_{1 \le \ell \le m}\begin{cases}1/4,&\mbox{ if }k = \ell,\\ O(1/n),&\mbox{ else}
&= O(m/n).
Lower-bound. By woodbury identity, $(\Sigma')^{-1} = (D+E)^{-1} = D^{-1}-D^{-1}(I+ED^{-1})^{-1} E D^{-1}$, and so
\|(\Sigma')^{-1}\|_{op} &= \|(D+E)^{-1}\|_{op} = \|D^{-1}\|_{op}+\|D^{-1}\|_{op}\|(I+ED^{-1})^{-1}\|_{op}\|E\|_{op}\|D^{-1}\|_{op}\\
&= \frac{1}{4}+\frac{\|E\|_{op}}{16}\|(I+ED^{-1})^{-1}\|_{op} \le \frac{1}{4} + \frac{\|E\|_{op}}{16} = O(\|E\|_{op}).
Now, using the same argument as for the first part of the proof, it is easy to obtain $\|E\|_{op} = O(m/n)$. We deduce from the above computations that $\|(\Sigma')^{-1}\|_{op} = O(m/n)$, and so
\lambda_\min(\Sigma') = \frac{1}{\|(\Sigma')^{-1}\|_{op}} = \frac{1}{O(m/n)} = \Omega(n/m).