For simple, undirected graphs $G, H$, let $G\times H$ denote the categorical product, or tensor product, of $G$ and $H$.
Let us call a graph $G = (V,E)$ (product-)reducible if there are graphs $G_i = (V_i, E_i)$ with $|V_i| > 1$ for $i = 1,2$ and $G \cong G_1 \times G_2$. We call $G=(V,E)$ properly irreducible if $|V|> 1$ and $G$ is not reducible.
Question. Are there connected properly irreducible graphs $G_i, H_i$ (possibly infinite) for $i=1,2$ such that $G_1\times G_2 \cong H_1\times H_2$, but $G_i \not\cong H_j$ for all $i,j\in\{1,2\}$?