I have a question on subfactors of $B(H)$ (the von Neumann algebra of bounded operators on a complex Hilbert space).
Say I have a subfactor $M$ of $B(H)$. Is it true that another subfactor $N \subset B(H)$ which commutes with $M$ and is such that the vN algebra $(M\cup N)''$ generated by $M$ and $N$ is all of $B(H)$, is automatically the commutant of $M$?
I think that it automatically follows that $M \cap N=\mathbb C \,1\!\!1$ because the intersection is contained in the center of, say, $M$.
EDIT: Another way to put this question would be as follows. Consider pairs of commuting subfactors $M,N \subset B(H)$. A pair is trivial if $M=N'$ and it is generating if $(M\cup N)''=B(H)$. The question is now: Is there a non-trivial generating pair of subfactors $M,N \subset B(H)$?