
Motivated by my study of determinants and permanents, here I present several conjectures on $p$-adic congruences involving permutations.

As usual, we let $S_n$ be the symmetric group consisting of all the permutations of $\{1,\ldots,n\}$.

Conjecture 1. Let $p$ be an odd prime. Then $$\sum_{\tau\in S_{p-1}}\prod_{j=1\atop \tau(j)\not=j}^{p-1}\frac1{j-\tau(j)}\equiv 1+(-1)^{(p-1)/2}\pmod p\tag{1}$$ and $$\sum_{\tau\in S_{p-1}}\mathrm{sign}(\tau)\prod_{j=1\atop \tau(j)\not=j}^{p-1}\frac1{j-\tau(j)}\equiv 2\pmod p.\tag{2}$$

Conjecture 2. For any prime $p$, we have $$\sum_{\tau\in S_{p-1}}\prod_{j=1\atop \tau(j)\not=j}^{p-1}\frac{j+\tau(j)}{j-\tau(j)}\equiv((p-2)!!)^2\pmod{p^2}.\tag{3}$$ If $p$ is an odd prime, then $$\sum_{\tau\in S_{p-1}}\mathrm{sign}(\tau)\prod^{p-1}_{j=1\atop \tau(j)\not=j}\frac{j+\tau(j)}{j-\tau(j)}\equiv\frac{(-1)^{(p+1)/2}}{p-2}((p-2)!!)^2\pmod{p^2}.\tag{4}$$

Conjecture 3. Let $p$ be a prime with $p\equiv3\pmod4$.

(i) We have $$\sum_{\tau\in S_{(p-1)/2}}\prod_{j=1\atop \tau(j)\not=j}^{(p-1)/2}\frac1{j^2-\tau(j)^2} \equiv \sum_{\tau\in S_{(p-1)/2}}\mathrm{sign}(\tau)\prod_{j=1\atop \tau(j)\not=j}^{(p-1)/2}\frac1{j^2-\tau(j)^2}\equiv1\pmod p.\tag{5}$$

(ii) If $p>3$, then $$\sum_{\tau\in S_{(p-1)/2}}\mathrm{sign}(\tau)\prod^{(p-1)/2}_{j=1\atop \tau(j)\not=j}\frac{j^2+\tau(j)^2}{j^2-\tau(j)^2}\equiv0\pmod{p^2}.\tag{6}$$ When $p\equiv 7\pmod 8$, we have $$\sum_{\tau\in S_{(p-1)/2}}\mathrm{sign}(\tau)\prod^{(p-1)/2}_{j=1\atop \tau(j)\not=j}\frac{j^2+\tau(j)^2}{j^2-\tau(j)^2}\equiv0\pmod{p^3}.\tag{7}$$

QUESTION. How to prove the congruences $(1)-(7)$?

In my opinion, $(1)$, $(2)$ and $(5)$ should be relatively easy, but the other conjectural congruences might be quite challenging.

Your comments are welcome!

  • $\begingroup$ An empty product is regarded as $1$. Thus, $\prod_{0<j<p\atop \tau(j)\not=j}\ \ \ a_j$ is $1$ if $\tau$ is the identity of $S_{p-1}$. $\endgroup$ Commented Jun 30, 2022 at 1:52
  • $\begingroup$ Let $p$ be an odd prime, \begin{equation*} a_{j,k}=\begin{cases}f(j,k)&\text{if}\ j\not=k,\\\lambda&\text{if}\ j=k,\end{cases} \end{equation*} and \begin{equation*} F(f,\lambda,n)=\det\left[a_{j,k}\right]_{1\le j,k\le n}. \end{equation*} We have the following $\endgroup$
    – Deyi Chen
    Commented Jun 30, 2022 at 20:23
  • $\begingroup$ Conjecture 1' $$F(\frac{1}{j-k},\lambda,p-1) \equiv F(\frac{jk}{j-k},\lambda,p-1) \equiv \lambda^{p-1}+1\pmod{p}. $$ Let $\lambda=1$,$$F(\frac{1}{j-k},1,p-1) \equiv 2 \pmod{p}\iff(2).$$ Conjecture 2' If $p>3, p\equiv3\pmod4$, then \begin{equation*} F(\frac{j+k}{j-k},0,p-1)\equiv 0 \pmod{p^4}. \end{equation*} Conjecture 3' If $p\equiv3\pmod4$, then \begin{equation*}F(\frac{1}{j^2-k^2},\lambda,\frac{p-1}{2}) \equiv \lambda^{\frac{p-1}{2}}\pmod{p} \end{equation*} Let $\lambda=1$, $$F(\frac{1}{j^2-k^2},1,\frac{p-1}{2}) \equiv 1 \pmod{p}\iff(5)$$ $\endgroup$
    – Deyi Chen
    Commented Jun 30, 2022 at 20:23
  • $\begingroup$ Conjecture 4' For any odd prime $p$, $$F(\frac{j^2+k^2}{j-k},\lambda,p-1) \equiv \lambda^{p-1}+\frac{1}{4}\pmod{p}.$$ $\endgroup$
    – Deyi Chen
    Commented Jul 6, 2022 at 10:52


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