H. Blaine Lawson, Jr. and Marie-Louise Michelsohn, Spin Geometry, (1989), p. xi:
...This formula was to generalize the important [HRR]. ...Atiyah and Singer...produced a globally defined elliptic operator canonically associated to the underlying riemannian metric. ...Twisting the Dirac-type operator...led...to a general formula for the index of any elliptic operator. [Then,] Atiyah and Singer went on to understand the index in the more proper setting of K-theory. This led in particular to the formulation of certain $KO$-invariants which have had profound applications in geometry and topology. These invariants touch questions unapproachable by other means.
I'm curious--at the time, what were these unapproachable questions? (Perhaps this is standard fare when one properly learns this area. And I'm not even sure what the '$KO$-invariants' are. But my ignorance is probably a less interesting point for discussion.)
Just for context: I am a student, right now trying to understand the context in which Quillen first studied $MU$ and its formal group law, and more generally I'm trying to 'connect the dots' of the development of elliptic cohomology. I came across this text while trying to understand the relationship with genera (specifically the Chern character). So any answer or commentary shedding light on this would be especially appreciated.