This question is a sequel to Pointless groups, to which @DanielLitt produced an elegant and easy-to-understand counter-example, and Pointless groups II, where @R.vanDobbendeBruyn pointed out that my implicit claim about Zariski density of rational points of groups over infinite fields is only guaranteed for reductive groups (or perfect fields), and gave a counterexample (still elegant, though less easy for me to understand than a split torus over $\mathbb F_2$!) for an infinite but imperfect field.
At the suggestion of @R.vanDobbendeBruyn and @YCor, I am engaging in the extreme bad manners of once again modifying my search for counterexamples to rule out the counterexamples already provided. The revised question is @DanielLitt's wording.
So, 3rd time's a charm, hopefully … fix a finite field $k$. Then "group" means "smooth, connected, affine algebraic group scheme of finite type over $k$".
If $G$ is a (smooth, connected) group, and $G(k)$ is trivial, then does that imply that $k = \mathbb F_2$ and $G$ is a split torus?