I am studying the use of the commutator for finding the estimate of energy. During my looking through many papers I found that this paper contains a possible typo. Here is the archive version which has the same prospective typo!
Another question about the commutator. When I espand the follawing commutator $[J^s,u]\partial_x u$ the last two terms are cancel eachohter! Are my calculations right?
\begin{align} [J^s,u]\partial_x u &= J^s(u\, \partial_x u)- u J^s(\partial_x u)\\ &=J^s(u) \partial_x u + u J^s(\partial_x u) - u J^s(\partial_x u)\\ &=J^s(u) \partial_x u \end{align}
Is the above right?