Assuming that $l>1$ is even, an $l$-bit binary sequence $b$ is balanced if and only if the number of zeroes in $b$ is equal to $l/2$.
Let $T_l$ denote a lexicographically ordered tuple of all balanced $l$-bit binary sequences: $$T_l = (b_1, b_2, \ldots, b_{k_l-1}, b_{k_l}),$$ where $k_l = \binom{l}{l/2}$. For example, $$\begin{array}{l} T_4 = (\text{0011},\\ \text{0101},\\ \text{0110},\\ \text{1001},\\ \text{1010},\\ \text{1100}). \end{array}$$
Question: given an arbitrary pair of numbers $(l, i)$ where $i \leq k_l$, is there an efficient algorithm to obtain an $i$-th element of $T_l$?