Suppose that $p$ is a density on $\mathbb{R}^d$ that is $C^2$ and nonzero everywhere, and such that the Hessian of its negative logarithm is lower bounded: $$-\nabla^2 \ln p\succeq L$$ for some matrix $L$. (Here $A\succeq B$ means $A-B$ is positive semidefinite.) We say that $p$ is log-concave if this holds with $L=0$.
Let $q$ be the density of $N(0,\Sigma)$ (gaussian with covariance $\Sigma$). It is known that if $p$ is strongly log-concave with $L\succ 0$, then $p*q$ also satisfies a lower bound: Theorem 3.7b in [1] states that $$-\nabla^2 \ln (p*q) \succeq (L^{-1}+\Sigma)^{-1}.$$ Note this is tight in the case that $p$ is a gaussian with covariance $\Sigma'=L^{-1}$, in which case $p*q$ is the density of $N(0,\Sigma'+\Sigma)$.
My question is the following: What lower bound can we derive on $-\nabla^2\ln (p*q)$ when $p$ is not log-concave, that is, $L$ is not PSD? Intuitively I would expect that convolving with a gaussian makes it more log-concave, that is, increases the lower bound, though I am also interested in any lower bound that can be obtained (that works for all ranges of $L$ and $\Sigma$).
I would also be OK with assuming that $p$ satisfies a log-Sobolev inequality: $$\text{Ent}_p(f^2) \le 2C_{LS} \mathbb E_p [\|\nabla f\|^2]$$ for all smooth $f$, where $\text{Ent}_p(f^2):= \mathbb E_p[f^2 \ln (f^2/\mathbb E_p (f^2))]$. This may be helpful as it gives concentration properties for $p$.
[1] Adrien Saumard and Jon A Wellner. Log-concavity and strong log-concavity: a review. Statistics surveys, 8:45, 2014.