I have recently read a paper by Talagrand: Embedding subspaces of $L_{1}$ into $l^{N}_{1}$, and part of the chapter: Finite dimensional subspaces of $L_{p}$, written by Jonson and Schechtman. The theory of finite dimensional subspaces of $L_{p}$ is beautiful and fruitful, which has been well studied.
It is quite natural to expect similar results for noncommutative Lp spaces (or, more specifically, the Schatten p-classes, denoted by $S_{p}$). However, it seems that the theory of finite dimensional subspaces of Schatten p-classes is not well developed.
So, I am pretty interested in this topic. Are there any related references to embedding finite dimensional subspaces of $S_{p}$ into $S^{N}_{p}$? And what is the difficulty of such investigations in noncommutative settings?
PS: $S_{p}$ (resp. $S^{N}_{p}$) is the space of all infinite (resp. $N\times N$) matrices equipped with the Schatten-p norm $\|A\|_{p}=(Tr(|A|^{p}))^{1/p}$ with $|A|=(A^{*}A)^{1/2}$.