Let $A=k\mathbb \Pi$ be the group algebra of an abelian group $\Pi$ and let $B(A)=\bigoplus_{k=0}^\infty\,B^k(A)$ be the unnormalized bar complex of $A$ with generators $[a_0,\dots,a_k] \in B^k(A)=A^{\otimes (k+1)}$. Geometrically, we can think of these generators as labelled $k$-simplices. That is, vertices are labelled by $a_i$'s, edges are labelled by pairs $(a_i,a_j)$ for $i<j$ and so on.
On $B(A)$ we have a shuffle product $\ast_{p,q}:B^p(A)\otimes B^q(A) \to B^{p+q}(A)$.
My question is, do you have a reference for a geometric interpretation of the shuffle $[a_0,\dots,a_p]\ast[b_0,\dots,b_q]$ as a simplicial complex? For simplicity, we assume that there are no relations between the $a_i$'s and $b_j$'s.