Here is the statement about the associativity of the quantum double of bialgebras in Klimyk-Schmudgen "Quantum Groups ..." (Sec 8.2.1)
Can anyone help me derive the formula of on bottom of their proof? I get a different expression and don't have enough practice with experience with such computations to connect my formula to theirs. $$(b \otimes a)(b' \otimes a')(b'' \otimes a'')= (\sum bb_2'\otimes a_2a'\cdot \text{sigmas})(b'' \times a'')$$ $$=\sum bb_2'b_2''\otimes (a_2a')_2a''\otimes \text{sigmas},$$ where "sigmas" means a scalar (a product of $\sigma$'s and $\bar\sigma$'s).