
I came across the following conjecture. If you have any thoughts on how to approach it, let me know.

Conjecture. For any integer $n > 3$ and any Gaussian integer $z$ that is not a unit, if $z^n - z$ or $z^n + z$ is a rational integer, then $z$ is a rational integer.

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ At least there are at most finitely many such $z$ in each degree; this is due to Siegel's theorem applied to the fix of the 2-set stabilizer in the splitting field of $x^n\pm x-y\in Q(y)[x]$; hypothetical solutions $z$ would in particular yield quadratic factors of the above polynomial, i.e. integral points on the curve corresponding to the 2-set stabilizer, but this curve is not given by a "Siegel function" (for $n=5$, the genus can directly be calculated as $1$, and in all other degrees $>3$, already the ramification pattern at infinity is not consistent with that of a Siegel function). $\endgroup$ May 1, 2022 at 8:35

2 Answers 2


The question can be rephrased: Find the integers $n > 3$ for which there exist Gaussian integers $z$ such that $z^n \pm z = \overline{z}^n \pm \overline{z}$. Rewriting the equation as $(z^n -\overline{z}^n)/(z-\overline{z}) = \mp 1$, one recognizes an instance of the problem of finding the terms of a Lucas sequence with no primitive divisors. The complete answer to an even more general problem (Lehmer sequences instead of Lucas sequences) was given by Bilu, Hanrot, Voutier J. Reine Angew. Math. 539, 75-122 (2001) and Abouzaid J. Théor. Nombres Bordx. 18, No. 2, 299--313 (2006) . To settle the conjecture, it suffices to look up the tables in these papers .

  • $\begingroup$ your response led me to write a paper on completely solving the Thue equation |t_p(x, y)|=1, where t_p(x,y) is the homogenization of the minimal polynomial of tan(Pi/3) for odd prime p > 3. Please let me know by the end of July, 2023 if you'd be interested in collaborating on a paper. Otherwise I would really like to mention your name in the Acknowledgements section. $\endgroup$
    – Anton
    Jun 22, 2023 at 16:37
  • $\begingroup$ Typo: tan(Pi/p), as opposed to tan(Pi/3) $\endgroup$
    – Anton
    Jun 22, 2023 at 23:44

Your conjecture is likely to be true. I was not able to check the details because I couldn't get all the references, but here are the main steps.

The main point is that if there is a Gaussian integer $z$ such that $z^n-z-a=0$ or $z^n+z-a=0$ for some $a\in\mathbb{Z}$, and if $z$ is not an integer ,then $X^n-X-a$ or $X^n+X-a$ has a quadratic monic irreducible factor, namely the minimal polynomial of $z$.

Then, it is enough to understand which quadratic factors may occur in polynomials on the form $X^n\pm X-a$, and check that in each case they are not of the form $X^2-2u X+(u^2+v^2)$ (the minimal polynomial of $u+iv$ when $v\neq0$).

This question seems to be well understood.

In the paper [1] S. Rabinowitz, The Factorization of $x^5\pm x+n$ Math. Mag., 61 (1988), 191–193,

Rabinowitz proved that if $x^n\pm x+n, n\in\mathbb{Z}$ has an irreducible quadratic factor, then $n\in\{\pm 1,\pm 6,\pm 15,\pm 22440,\pm 2959640\}$.

The explicit factorisations are given in the paper (easy to find on the web) , and none of the quadratic factors have the right shape, so this is OK.

For $n>6$, Le proved that if $X^n-X-a$ has has an irreducible quadratic factor $g$ which is monic,then either $n≡2(mod 6),a=-1$ and $g(x)=x^2-x+1,$ or $n=7,a=±280$ and $g=x^2\pm x+5.$

Once again, this is OK in this case.

Source: [2] M. H. Le, Irreducible quadratic factors of the trinomial $x^n-x-a$ J. Math. (Wuhan), 24 (2004), 635–637.

I couldn't get the paper, and I have some doubts on the assumption $n>6$. It is maybe $n\geq 6$, i don't know.(ANyway, I think one can manage the case $n= 6$ by hand...)

Apparently, there are similar results for $X^n+X-a$, but I couldn't get the paper nor see the statements of the results.

Source: [3] M. Y. Lin, The irreducible quadratic factor of the trinomial $x^n+x-a$, Math. Appl. (Wuhan), 19 (2006), 656–658.

All in all, I think you conjecture should be true.

If you are able to get a copy of papers [2] and [3], you should be able to check it.


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