I am an amateur in $K$-theory, I have just started reading from "The K-book" by Charles Weibel. I have only read the definition of $K_1$ which is stated as a quotient of $GL(R)$. The union of the sequence $R^{ \times} = GL_1(R) \subset GL_2(R) \subset ...\subset GL_n(R) \subset GL_{n+1}(R) \subset..$ is called $GL(R)$ and $K_1(R)$ is defined to be $GL(R)/[GL(R),GL(R)].$
In one of the examples he has proved that if $R$ is any commutative ring then $K_1(R) \cong R^{\times} \oplus SK_1(R)$. Where $SK_1(R)$ is denoted as the kernel of a surjective map from $K_1(R) \rightarrow R^{\times}$ which is induced from the determinant map $GL(R) \rightarrow R^{\times}$. I understand the splitting. But when I am trying to compute $SK_1(R)$ for $R = \mathbb{Z}_4$ or $R = \mathbb{Z}_4[t]$ explicitly I am at a loss.
If you could please guide me to the right direction I would be grateful.