I am reading one lecture note Dynamics for Spherical Models of Spin-Glass and Aging by Alice Guionnet. On page 124, it says that for some $\alpha>0$, $$ e^L=P\left(\exp(\alpha\sup_{|s-t|\le\delta}\frac{|B_s-B_t|^2}{|s-t|})<\infty\right) $$ Moreover, how to show that $$ E\left[\exp(\alpha\sup_{|s-t|<\delta}\frac{|B_s-B_t|^2}{|s-t|})\right]\le e^L $$
I do not know what is $L$ here. I check the the reference and found that I just found a useful result: for $\alpha-$Holder continuity Brownian motion, there exists $C=C(\alpha)>0$ s.t. $0<\epsilon\le 1$, $$ -C\epsilon^{-\frac{2}{1-2\alpha}}\le \log P(\sup_{|s-t|<\delta}\frac{|B_s-B_t|}{|s-t|^\alpha}\le \epsilon)\le -C^{-1}\epsilon^{-\frac{2}{1-2\alpha}} $$