Let $A\to X$ be a (Hurewicz) cofibration of path-connected topological spaces. Then we have a long homotopy sequence $$ \dots\to \pi_i(A)\to \pi_i(X)\to \pi_i(X,A)\to \dots; $$ here we fix a base point inside $A$. It maps into the homotopy sequence for the pair $(SP(X),SP(A))$ for infinite symmetric powers, does it? Can one apply the Dold-Thom theorem here to obtain the relative Hurewicz maps $\pi_i(X,A)\to H_i(X,A)$ along with the morphism between the corresponding exact sequences?
My doubts are caused by the book "Algebraic Topology from a Homotopical Viewpoint" by Marcelo Aguilar, Samuel Gitler, and Carlos Prieto where homology is defined via the Dold-Thom theorem but a different definition of relative Hurewicz maps is used. Is "my" idea fine; is it discussed somewhere?