We have the following theorem:
Suppose $\omega_1^L=\omega_1$ then there exists a $\Pi_1^1$ subset of reals without the perfect set property
Moreover, under the same hypotheses, we can prove actually the existence of a "greatest" $\Pi_1^1$ set without the perfect set property, one which contains (as a subset) every $\Pi_1^1$ set without the perfect set property.
My question is the following (we are working in $\mathtt{ZF}+\mathtt{DC}$, where $\mathtt{DC}$ stands for Dependent Choice):
- Suppose $\omega_1^L=\omega_1$, can we prove the existence of a subset $X$ of reals without the perfect set property and which is not a $Q$-set, i.e. such that there exists a $A\subseteq X$ with $A$ not $F_\sigma$ wrt the subspace topology on $X$?