In his famous paper, On the distribution of spacings between zeros of the zeta function (, Odlyzko provides a reformulation of Montgomery's pair correlation conjecture and states without proof that the two conjectures are equivalent. I am running into problems in proving the equivalence myself. I'm wondering if someone has done this and can share the proof, or else point me to a proof in the literature.
Montgomery's conjecture is as follows. Assume RH and let $t_n$ denote the imaginary part of the "$n$th zero" of $\zeta(s)$, divided by $2\pi$. Then, for all $0 < a < b$, one has $$\frac{\# \left\{(t_m,t_n): 0 \leq t_m,t_n \leq T, \ \frac{a}{\log T} \leq t_m-t_n \leq \frac{b}{\log T} \right \} }{\# \left\{t_n: 0 < t_n \leq T \right\} } \sim \int_a^b \left( 1- \operatorname{sinc}^2(\pi t) \right) dt$$ as $T \to \infty$.
Odlyzko's "reformulation" of the conjecture is as follows. Assume RH and let the normalized spacings $\delta_n$ be defined by $$\delta_n = (t_{n+1}-t_n) \log t_n.$$ Then, for all $0 < a < b$, one has \begin{align*} \frac{\# \left\{(n,k): n,k \in \mathbb{Z}, \, 1\leq n \leq N, \, k \geq 0, \, \delta_n+\delta_{n+1}+\cdots+\delta_{n+k} \in [a,b] \right \} }{N} \sim \int_a^b \left( 1- \operatorname{sinc}^2(\pi t) \right) dt. \end{align*} as $N \to \infty$.
My question is, more precisely: How do you prove these two conjectures equivalent?