In the literature I've read, it is often said that to a Hecke eigenclass, one would like (and sometimes succeeds) to "associate" or show the existence of a Galois representation such that the Hecke and Frobenius eigenvalues match up. My question is if there exists a good category of Hecke eigenclasses such that this association becomes a functor to the category of Galois representations?
Does follow from the assumptions that we put on the compatibility of the Hecke eigenclass and the Galois representations? A reason why I believe this is not crazy to hope for is that for instance in the global setting, in $\text{GL}_2$, by the work of many people (including Eichler, Shimura, Deligne, Langlands, Carayol etc) we know that the Langlands correspondence is given by $$\pi\mapsto \text{Hom}_{ \text{Gl}_2(\mathbb{A}_f) }(\pi, \text{colim}_N H^1_c(Sh(N),\overline{\mathbb{Q}_p})$$ which is a (contravariant) functor from some subcategory of $\text{Gl}_2(\mathbb{A}_f)$-representations to $G_\mathbb{Q}$-representations.
In particular, do we expect/know this in the mod $p$ setting, i.e. is the construction of Scholze in here functorial in the Hecke-eigenclass?