Recall that a set $A$ is c.e.a. (computably enumerable in and above) if there is some $X<_T A$ such that $A$ is $X$-c.e.
I am interested in degrees (specifically $\Delta^0_2$ degrees) that are not only not c.e.a., but do not even compute any c.e.a. degree. Equivalently, for all in $B,C\leq_TA$, $B$ does not enumerate $C$ unless $B$ computes $C$.
Clearly no c.e. degree has this property, as they are trivially c.e.a. Less trivially, so are 1-generics, so nothing that computes a 1-generic or c.e. set has this property. Minimal degrees do have this property, however.
Is anything known about such degrees?