While I do not have an answer, there are many pointers one can give that might be useful, too many for comments.
First, one can say better than $B_1 < \infty$.
It is the Hermite constant, and one can get a tight (suitably random lattices come within a constant factor of it) upper bound of $\lambda_1(L) \leq O(\sqrt{n})$. One can pin down a precise constant upper bound (pair the link I've given with Stirling's inequality), but I do not feel like copying this.
Second, the "higher-dimensional" generalization of the hermite constant is not on the individual $\lambda_i(L)$, as you seem to hope, but instead on the quantity $\prod_{i = 1}^r \lambda_i(L)$.
The upper bound of this over all covolume one lattices is known as Rankin's constant $\gamma_{n,r}$.
Certain books discuss it, see for example Perfect Lattices in Euclidean Space section 2.8. There are some inequalities known, but I do not believe they are thought to be tight, like in the Hermite case. Note that there is a version of Minkowski's second theorem that actually gives a bound on Rankin's constant directly. It can be found in Martinet's book as cor. 2.6.9.
Third, you can still say something about your $B_i$. Well-rounded lattices are lattices for which $\lambda_1(L) = \lambda_n(L)$.
Therefore, you can get lower bounds on $B_i$ by looking at the analogue of $B_i$ for WR lattices, which is simply the analogue of Hermite's constant for WR lattices.
Briefly looking I can't find any sources on this, but you can at least get the bound $0<\mathsf{vol}(B_n(1/2))^{1/n} \leq B_i$, as the lattice defines a packing of balls of radius $1/2$ into $\mathbb{R}^n$.
Note that $\mathsf{vol}(B_n(1/2))^{1/n} = o(1)$, so this is not even a constant lower bound.
It is plausible/likely there is some well-known family of well-rounded lattices that, when normalized to have $\det L= 1$, give a constant lower-bound though.
I'll leave you to investigate this though.
Finally, there are some other bounds relating the various $\lambda_i$'s.
The most obvious thing to mention are so-called "transference results".
These bound $1 \leq \lambda_i(L)\lambda_{n-i+1}(L^*)\leq O(n)$ for all $i$.
The most famous one is due to Banaszczy in the 90's, due to applications in cryptography there have been some more recent developments (mostly tightening constants) that I cite as they are easier for me to find, see here.
There have also been some mild generalizations of successive minima known as "slopes" that are always close to the successive minima, but obey a nicer form of transference.
See for example this survey for pointers.