It seems there are many subtly different notions of the shape of a topological space (and, more generally, toposes).
For instance, Lurie [Higher topos theory] defines this one:
Definition 1. The shape of a topos $\mathcal{E}$ is the pro-object in $\mathcal{S}$ representing the endofunctor $p_* p^* : \mathcal{S} \to \mathcal{S}$, where $p$ is the unique geometric morphism from the $\infty$-sheaf topos $\mathcal{E}$ to the $(\infty, 1)$-category $\mathcal{S}$ of $\infty$-groupoids.
Here is another, perhaps closer to what is studied in classical shape theory:
Definition 2. The shape of a topological space $X$ is the pro-object $\varprojlim_{\mathcal{U} : \textrm{Cov} (X)} \mathrm{B} \mathcal{U}$ where $\mathcal{U}$ ranges over the poset $\textrm{Cov} (X)$ of covering sieves $\mathcal{U}$ of non-empty open subspaces of $X$ and $\mathrm{B} \mathcal{U}$ is the geometric realisation of the nerve of $\mathcal{U}$.
There is a canonical comparison from definition 1 to definition 2. Roughly speaking, it comes from the Grothendieck plus construction for sheafification. The sheaf $p^* K$ is the sheafification of the constant presheaf with value $K$, so there is a comparison morphism $\varprojlim_{U : \mathcal{U}} K \to p_* p^* K$ for each covering sieve $\mathcal{U}$. We have $\varprojlim_{U : \mathcal{U}} K \cong \mathcal{S} (\mathrm{B} \mathcal{U}, K)$, and taking the colimit over all covering sieves $\mathcal{U}$ yields a morphism $${\textstyle \varinjlim}_{\mathcal{U} : \textrm{Cov} (X)^\textrm{op}} \mathcal{S} (\mathrm{B} \mathcal{U}, K) \to {\textstyle \varinjlim}_{\mathcal{U} : \textrm{Cov} (X)^\textrm{op}} p_* p^* K \cong p_* p^* K$$ which yields a morphism from the pro-object representing $p_* p^*$ to $\varprojlim_{\mathcal{U} : \textrm{Cov} (X)^\textrm{op}} \mathrm{B} \mathcal{U}$.
Question. Is this an equivalence?
When $K$ is discrete, the constant presheaf with value $K$ is almost separated – there is a problem over $\varnothing$, but it can be ignored – so $\varinjlim_{\mathcal{U} : \textrm{Cov} (X)^\textrm{op}} \mathcal{S} (\mathrm{B} \mathcal{U}, K) \to p_* p^* K$ is in fact a bijection in this case. I am less clear about the situation for non-discrete $K$ – do we need to iterate the plus construction even for constant presheaves? Can we fix the problem by replacing $\textrm{Cov} (X)$ with some suitable category of hypercovers?