Here's one simple other example of such a Cantor subset.
First, the theoretical side. In the closed unit square $[0,1]^2$, define a decreasing sequence of "simple" closed subsets $K_n$ (with complement $U_n$), and define $K=\bigcap_n K_n$. The conditions we can to ensure is that (a) $K$ is totally disconnected (b) $K$ meets the graph of every continuous map (written "graph" below).
A trivial but essential remark is that (b) holds if and only if no $U_n$ contains a graph. (Indeed, by compactness, if $U=\bigcup U_n$ contains a graph, then this graph is contained in $U_n$ for some $n$.) As regards (a), the condition to ensure is that the sup $r_n$ of diameters of connected components of $K_n$ tends to zero. (I don't insist on $K$ being Cantor because it's a trivial issue, which can always be ensured by enlarging it, e.g., replacing isolated points with small Cantor subsets.)
The interest is that while $K$ is a bit mysterious, the individual $U_n$ are meant to be easy to understand.
Now for the example. Each $U_n$ will be blue and $K_n$ white. Each $K_n$ will be a finite union of horizontal squares tilted by $45$ degrees, then intersected with $[0,1]$.
The basic construction is as follows: start from a square, cut it into $5\times 5$ squares and fill the 9 ones as follows:
Next, fill the 16 remaining $5$-times-smaller white squares in the same fashion, but in the orthogonal direction. Next, do the same with the $25$-times-smaller white squares, again in the original direction. Eventually tilt everything by 45 degrees.
At each step, this defines $U_1\subset U_2\subset U_3$...
The pictures are as follows, showing, for $i=1,2,3$, $U_i$ (blue), $K_i$ (white):
(at the bounding square, the white part should be understood as the closure of the inner white part — it was written as a blue line only for readibility)
It can easily be checked that the sup of diameter of components of $K_n$ tends exponentially to zero. Next, $U_n$ contains no graph for any $n$. The point is that in $U_n$, the smallest $\Pi$-shaped paths (those in $U_n-U_{n-1}$) can't be used for travelling "to the right". Hence showing that $U_n$ contains no graph can be checked by induction. Of course details would be a little cumbersome to be written in Bourbaki-style, but this is quite visible from the picture, even for a non-mathematician.
Edit: here are pictures of subsets $U_n$ (blue color) for Nik Weaver's example, after 4 steps and after 11 steps:
(the increasing slopes are $(4/3)^n$, while the apparently decreasing slopes are actually vertical segments)
More precisely, define functions $f_i$ as in Nik's example, where $f_i$ has slope $(4/3)^i$ at each continuity point: $f_0(x)=x$, $f_1(x)=(4/3)x$ for $x<1/2$ and $=(4/3)x+(2/3)$ for $x>1/2$, etc. Note that $f_i$ is defined on the set $C$ of dyadic expansions, rather than on $[0,1]$ where it bi-valued at some dyadic numbers. Thus the $f_n$, viewed as continuous function on $C$, converge uniformly to a function $f$ and $f(C)$ is the desired Cantor set. We have $\|f_{n+1}-f_n\|_{\infty}\le \frac16(2/3)^n$, so $\|f_n-f\|_\infty\le \frac12(2/3)^n$. Thus I defined $U_n$ as the set of $(x,y)$ such that $|y-f_n(x)|>\frac12(2/3)^n$ (properly speaking this is ill-defined for for the few points at which $f_n$ is discontinous, in which case I mean that $\max(|y-f_n(x^+)|,|y-f_n(x^-)|)>\frac12(2/3)^n$).
PS pictures written with SageMath.