The Kodaira($-$Iitaka) dimension of a line bundle $L$ on a complex manifold $X$ can be defined either in three ways:
- The maximal dimension of the image of the rational maps $φ_{|mL|} : X \dashrightarrow \mathbb{P}(H^0(X, m L)^*)$
- The unique integer $k$ such that $h^0(m L) = O(m^k)$.
- $\operatorname{trdeg} \operatorname{Frac} \left( \bigoplus_{m ≥ 0} H^0(X, mL) \right) - 1$
I know why the first two definitions are equivalent but I'm struggling to find a reference treating the third. Several people cite Ueno's book Classification Theory of Algebraic Varieties and Compact Complex Spaces for this, but as far as I can see he only proves that first two are equivalent. Can anyone provide a proof of $(1) \iff (3)$ or $(2) \iff (3)$ or point me to a reference?