Define the sequence $$a_s=(-1)^{\binom{s-1}2}\left(\frac{\pi}2\right)^s\frac1{2\cdot s!}\begin{cases} s\,E_{s-1}, \qquad \text{if $s$ is odd} \\ 2^{2s}B_s, \qquad \,\,\text{if $s$ is even};\end{cases}$$ where $E_s$ and $B_s$ are Euler and Bernoulli numbers, respectively.
Of course, we know that $$\sum_{n=1}^{\infty}\frac1{n^{2s}}=a_{2s} \qquad \text{and} \qquad \sum_{n=1}^{\infty}\frac{(-1)^{n-1}}{(2n-1)^{2s-1}}=a_{2s-1}.$$ The focus here is that each $a_s$ is rational multiple of a power of $\pi$ unlike the classical Riemann zeta function at odd values of $s$. A few examples are in order: for $s\geq1$, $$\frac{\pi}4, \frac{\pi^2}6, \frac{\pi^3}{32}, \frac{\pi^4}{90}, \frac{5\pi^5}{1536}, \frac{\pi^6}{945}, \frac{61\pi^7}{184320}, \frac{\pi^8}{9450}, \,\,\dots$$ Now, I like to ask:
QUESTION. Is there a function $F(s)$, continuous in real $s$, whose values are $F(s)=a_s$ at integral $s$? One may try upgrading this to a meromorphic function.