Let $K$ be a finite extension of $\mathbb{Q}_p$ and $L/K$ a finite unramified extension. Let $M$ be a $(\phi, \Gamma_L)$-module over the Robba ring of $L$ (with coefficients in some other $p$-adic field $E$).
If $M$ is trianguline then is $\mathrm{Ind}^L_K(M)$ also trianguline?
Since $L/K$ is unramified, $\mathrm{Ind}^L_K(M)$ is simply $M$ with the same $\phi$ and $\Gamma$ actions but viewed as a module over the Robba ring of $K$. Also, this reduces trivially to the case that $M$ has rank $1$.
I am mostly interested in the etale case, but the above question seems more natural. The motivation is that similar statements are true for crystalline or semi-stable (etale) $(\phi, \Gamma)$-modules, so it seems natural to expect similar behaviour in the trianguline case.