$\DeclareMathOperator\SO{SO}\DeclareMathOperator\Spin{Spin}$Since $\Spin_n$ is a compact simply connected simple Lie group, its irreducible representations are equivalent to the irreducible representations of its Lie algebra $\mathfrak{so}_n$. $\Spin_n$ is the universal cover of $\SO_n$, another compact simple Lie group. But $\SO_n$ is not simply connected so it has "fewer irreducible representations". In this answer to Shared representation of $SU(2)$ and $SO(3)$, it is discussed which representations of $\Spin_3 = \operatorname{SU}_2$ "descend" to representations of $\SO_3$. In short, it is those "labelled by even powers of the fundamental representation" of $\mathfrak{sl}_2$.
Question: How does this look for higher $\SO_n$? What are the integral positive weights of $\mathfrak{so}_n$ that give well-defined representations of $\SO_n$?
Guess Based on some basic calculations, and by looking at the question Non-faithful irreducible representations of simple Lie groups, I would guess that the "descendable" representations are those with weight $$ \lambda = \sum_{i=1}^l a_i \varpi_i, ~~ \textrm{ satisfies } a_l \in 2\mathbb{N}_0, $$ when $l = \operatorname{rank}(\mathfrak{so}_n)$.