So, the Fibonacci numbers can be constructed from this recursion, so it is natural to look for generalizations of those (and combinatorial models for the Fibonacci numbers).
The Fibonacci number $f_n$ (up to some index shift), can be seen as the number of integer compositions of $n$ (list of numbers summing to $n$), using only the numbers $1$ and $2$.
Now, the recursion above, $x_n = a x_{n-1} + (bn+c)x_{n-2}$
hints that we also look at integer compositions using $1$ and $2$, but the $1$ comes in $a$ different colors.
Moreover, the 2s have two types, either, one of $c$ colors,
or it is a 'special' 2, with one of $b$ colors and a label.
The label is between 1 and the total sum of entries up to that point.
For example, $a=3$, $b=3$, $c=2$ $n=8$ has the object
1_3, \; 2_{1, 1}, \; 2_{3, 5}, \; 2_{2}, \; 1_{1}.
The numbers sum to $n$, and subscripts of the $1$ is between $1$ and $a$. The $2's$ with only one subscript has
the subscript between $1$ and $c$. Finally, each $2$
with two substripts, has the first subscript (color) between $1$ and $b$. The second subscript must be between $1$
and the sum of all numbers in the list up to that point.
For example, for $2_{3, 5}$, the 5 is the maximum allowed since $1+2+2=5$.
Below is Mathematica code for generating such compositions:
a = 3;
b = 3;
c = 2;
f[0] := {{}};
f[1] := Table[{{1, j}}, {j, a}];
f[n_] := f[n] = Join[
Join @@ Table[
Append[f, {1, aa}],
{f, f[n - 1]}, {aa, a}]
Join @@ Table[
Append[f, {2, bb}],
{f, f[n - 2]}, {bb, b}]
Join @@ (Join @@ Table[
Append[f, {2, cc, j}],
{f, f[n - 2]}, {cc, c}, {j, n}])
The natural initial condition is $x_0 =0$ and $x_1 = a$. (In the code above, I use $f$ instead of $x$)