Now I have a partial order relation among elements in $\mathbb{Z}_2^{n}$, where $\mathbb{Z}_2=\{0,1\}$. For $x, y \in \mathbb{Z}_2^n$, denote \begin{equation*} \begin{aligned} \text{supp}(x) &= \{i \ | \ x[i] = 1, 0\le i\le n-1\} = \{i_1, i_2, \cdots, i_s\},\\ \text{supp}(y) &= \{j \ | \ x[j] = 1, 0\le j\le n-1\} = \{j_1, j_2, \cdots, j_t\}, \end{aligned} \end{equation*} where $s$ and $t$ are positive integers, $i_1 < i_2 < \cdots < i_s$, $j_1 < j_2 < \cdots < j_t$. Say $x \preceq y$ if $s \leq t$ and $i_{s-k} \leq j_{t-k}$ for all $0 \leq k \leq s - 1$.
I want to know the formula of the size of maximal antichain according to $n$, the maximal cardinality of set in which any two distinct elements are incomparable.
Here are some conclusions I have obtained. Denote $S_n$ as the size of maximal antichain, then $S_n\leq \tbinom{n}{\lfloor n / 2\rfloor}$ since the partial order in Sperner’s theorem is weaker. However I can't fix out the exact formula for $S_n$. I wonder if there exist some conclusions or references.
Thanks a lot!