Given an elliptic curve $E$ over $\mathbf{Q}$, we can attach two numbers two it.
- the so-called Manin constant $c_E$. (Defined below the fold.)
- the "algebraic $L$-value" given by $L(E,1)/\Omega_E$, where $\Omega_E$ is the period of $E$. This quotient is a rational number.
My question is: if $E$ is an optimal elliptic curve, what is the connection between these two numbers $c_E$ and $L(E,1)/\Omega_E$? Are they related in some way? In particular, if $c_E$ is a $p$-adic unit for some prime $p$, can one conclude that the $L$-value $L(E,1)/\Omega_E$ is also a $p$-adic unit? The reason I ask is because there are many theorems regarding the $p$-adic valuation of the Manin constant. I'd like to see if one can transfer those results to show things about the $p$-adic valuation of the $L$-values.
(Aside: Also, I am assuming that $E$ has analytic rank $0$ because otherwise the value $L(E,1)$ would be zero and the question wouldn't be interesting.)
Definition of Manin constant:
Since $E$ is modular, we have a modular parametrization $\phi: X_0(N) \to E$. So we can pull back the Neron differential $\omega_E$ on $E$ to get a differential form on $X_0(N)$: $$\phi^*(\omega_E) = c_E \, ( 2\pi i \, f(z) \, dz ) $$ where $f$ is the modular form attached to $E$. This defines the number $c_E$.