Question: Let $p$ be an odd prime. Does there exist a closed manifold $M$ with $\widetilde H^\ast(M; \mathbb Q) = 0$ but $\widetilde H^\ast(M; \mathbb F_p) \neq 0$?
When $p = 2$, an example is given by $\mathbb R \mathbb P^2$.
After discussion, this question turns out to be equivalent to this other question. That is, over at that question Saal Hardali explained that if $M$ is a closed manifold, then the chromatic type of $M$ at a prime $p$ is either 0 or 1. Both possibilities are realized at $p=2$; the question is whether chromatic type 1 is realized at odd primes. Chromatic type 0 just means having nonvanishing rational (co)homology. So the question is whether there exists a closed manifold $M$ which is rationally contractible but whose $p$-localization is nontrivial for an odd $p$. This turned out to be mistaken, thanks to Ben Wieland for pointing this out at the other question.
Side Question: When $p=2$, what are some other examples of $M$ with $\widetilde H^\ast(M;\mathbb Q) = 0$ but $\widetilde H^\ast(M;\mathbb F_2) \neq 0$ besides $M = \mathbb R \mathbb P^{2n}$ and products thereof?