
Let $p$ be a prime number and let $P(x) = a_0 + a_1x + a_2x^2 + \dots + a_{n-1}x^{n-1}$ be a polynomial in $\mathbb{Z}_p[x]$ with binary coefficients, i.e., such that $a_i \in \{0,1\}$ for all $i = 0,1,\dots,n-1$. I like to refer to this kind of polynomials them as binary polynomials.

The problem of evaluation is defined as follows: Given $x_1, x_2, \dots, x_{n} \in \mathbb{Z}_p$ and $a_0,a_1, \dots, a_{n-1}$, polynomial evaluation consists in computing the values $$y_1 = P(x_1), y_2 = P(x_2), \dots, y_{n} = P(x_{n}),$$ where $p(x)$ is the polynomial $P(x) = a_0 + a_1x + a_2x^2 + \dots + a_{n-1}x^{n-1}$.

I recently discovered the DFT algorithm (here, the values $x_i$ are taken to be the powers of a primitive $n$-th root of unity) to perform this task in $\mathcal{O}(n \log n)$.

  1. There exists faster algorithms for the case that the polynomial $P(x)$ is binary?
  2. If not, there exists some trick to improve efficiency for this case?
  • $\begingroup$ You could model an algorithm for evaluating $p(x)$ as a Directed Acyclic Graph where the vertices represent either $0$, $1$, the sum of two previous vertices, or the product of two previous vertices. And then you can try to find the optimal DAG for some polynomials, which represents the optimal program for evaluating that polynomial $\endgroup$
    – wlad
    Nov 23, 2021 at 19:12
  • $\begingroup$ en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arithmetic_circuit_complexity $\endgroup$
    – wlad
    Nov 23, 2021 at 19:15
  • $\begingroup$ en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polynomial_evaluation $\endgroup$
    – wlad
    Nov 23, 2021 at 19:19
  • $\begingroup$ Are the $n$ which gives the number of coefficients and the $n$ which gives the number of arguments meant to be the same number? $\endgroup$ Nov 24, 2021 at 3:51
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ How does this question differ from your earlier one, mathoverflow.net/questions/408913/… ? $\endgroup$ Nov 24, 2021 at 4:06


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