I'm reading a book about Kan Complexes in Simplicial Homotopy Theory (Curtis), and came across this theorem at the beginning : if $f : \Delta[n] \times \Lambda^k[m] \to K$ is a simplicial map and $K$ is a Kan complex, then $f$ has an extension from $\Delta[n] \times \Delta[m] \to K$.
The proof is fairly confusing to me : "$\Delta[n] \times \Lambda^k[m]$ can be obtained from $\Delta[n] \times \Delta[m]$ by successively adjoining a simplex and one of its faces, all other faces already lying in a subcomplex. Iterated application of the extension condition gives the lemma."
The extension condition is that if $f : \Lambda^k[m] \to K$ is a simplicial map and $K$ is a Kan complex, then $f$ has an extension from $\Delta[m] \to K$.
Could you help me with this ? I do not understand what he means by "successively adjoining a simplex", what "subcomplex" he's talking about and how he applies the extension condition. I'm a very beginner in the domain and any help would be very appreciated !