I am assuming from your comment that you are demanding that the embedding $X \to \mathbb{CP}^N$ preserves the complex structure that $X$ originally had (although it is still not completely clear). In this case, the real embedding $X \to \mathbb{CP}^n$ has to be a complex embedding. Otherwise, the actions of multiplication by $i$ on the tangent spaces of $X$ and $\mathbb{CP}^N$ will be incompatible.
For example, you can take $X = \mathbb{CP}^1$, with complex conjugation as the real embedding into $\mathbb{CP}^1$. This is a real-algebraic isomorphism, but orientation-reversing. Then, you will never have a compatible way to embed both varieties as complex subvarieties in $\mathbb{CP}^N$ by complex algebraic maps.