I am working on the book titled higher order Fourier analysis by Terence tao. However the book is difficult to understand and requires multiple readings and also the exercises are also not easy to work on.
At present I a working on the energy increment argument / approach in section 1.2 of the above mentioned book. I am looking for an another repository/article which explains more or has more details about the "energy increment argument". I tried searching online but could not find anything.
Energy increment argument: " The idea behind the energy increment argument is instead to decompose the original object $A$ into two pieces (and, sometimes, a small additional error term): a structured component that captures all the structured objects that have significant correlation with $A$, and a pseudorandom component which has no significant correlation with any structured object. This decomposition usually proceeds by trying to maximise the “energy” (or $L^2$ norm) of the structured component, or dually by trying to minimise the energy of the residual between the original object and the structured object."
Can someone here please suggest some good notes/ repository to comprehend the energy increment argument?