Let us recall that $\mathfrak t$ is the smallest cardinal $\kappa$ for which there exists a family $(T_\alpha)_{\alpha\in\kappa}$ of infinite subsets of $\omega$ such that
$\bullet$ for any ordinals $\alpha\le\beta<\lambda$ we have $T_\beta\subseteq^* T_\alpha$;
$\bullet$ for any infinite set $I\subseteq \omega$ there exists $\alpha\in\kappa$ such that $I\not\subseteq^* T_\alpha$.
Here for two sets $A,B$ we write $A\subseteq^* B$ iff $A\setminus B$ is finite.
Now given an infinite ordinal $\kappa$ let us consider the tower game of length $\kappa$ played by two players $I$ and $J$ who construct two transfinite sequences of sets $(I_\alpha)_{\alpha\le\kappa}$ and $(J_\alpha)_{\alpha\le\kappa}$ by the following rules.
The player $I$ starts the game selecting a countable inifinite set $I_0$ and the player $J$ answers with an infinite set $J_0\subseteq I_0$. At the $\alpha$-th inning the player $I$ selects an infinite set $I_\alpha$ such that $I_\alpha\subseteq^* J_\beta$ for every ordinal $\beta<\alpha$. If such an infinite set $I_\alpha$ does not exist, then the player $I$ is forced to put $I_\alpha=\emptyset$. The player $J$ answers by selecting a subset $J_\alpha\subseteq I_\alpha$ of cardinality $|J_\alpha|=|I_\alpha|$. At the end of the game, the player $I$ is declared a winner if $I_\kappa\ne\emptyset$. If $I_\kappa=\emptyset$, then the player $J$ wins the game.
Let $\mathfrak t_I$ (resp. $\mathfrak t_J$) be the smallest ordinal $\kappa$ for which the player $I$ has no winning strategy (resp. the player $J$ has a winning strategy) in the tower game of length $\kappa$.
It is easy to see that $\mathfrak t\le \mathfrak t_I\le\mathfrak t_J\le\mathfrak c^+$.
Problem 1. Is $\mathfrak t_I\le\mathfrak c$? $\mathfrak t_J\le\mathfrak c$?
Problem 2. Is the strict inequality $\mathfrak t<\mathfrak t_J$ (resp. $\mathfrak t<\mathfrak t_I$ or $\mathfrak t_I<\mathfrak t_J$) consistent?