A trinomial root, including non-integer powers, can be found by means of the confluent Fox-Wright $_{1}\Psi_{1}$ function, a generalization of the confluent hypergeometric function $_{1}F_{1}$, defined as $$_{1}\Psi_{1}([a,\alpha];[b,\beta];\zeta) = \sum_{n=0}^{\infty}\frac{\Gamma(a+n\alpha)}{\Gamma(b+n\beta)}\frac{\zeta^n}{n!}$$ where $-a-n\alpha\notin\mathbb{N}_0$ for $n\in\mathbb{N}_0$ and $\zeta\in\mathbb{C}$. It is convergent for $|\zeta|<|\alpha^{-\alpha}\beta^\beta|$.
For $\gamma>1$ the trinomial equation (some algebra steps can set a general trinomial equation in this form) $$z-\omega z^\gamma-1=0$$ has this closed form root $$z =\,_{1}\Psi_{1}([1,\gamma];[2,\gamma-1];\omega)$$ which can be set as $$z=1+\sum_{n=1}^\infty\binom{n\gamma}{n-1}\frac{\omega^n}{n}$$ whose convergence region is $|\omega|<|(\gamma-1)^{\gamma-1}\gamma^{-\gamma}|$. For non integer $\gamma>1$ binomials must be interpreted in terms of $\Gamma$ function.
Miller A.R., Moskowitz I.S. Reduction of a Class of Fox-Wright Psi Functions for Certain Rational Parameters. Computers Math. Applic. Vol. 30, No. 11, pp. 73-82, (1995). Pergamon
Dzevad Belkic. All the trinomial roots, their powers and logarithms from the Lambert
series, Bell polynomials and Fox-Wright function: illustration for genome multiplicity in survival of irradiated cells. Journal of Mathematical Chemistry (2019) 57:59-106
Wolfram Mathematica 12.3 has incorporated recently Fox-H Function (as an experimental feature). Generalized Fox-Wright Function is a Fox-H's special case.