I am studying a sequence $(\alpha_{p,q})$ indexed by a pair of coprime integers; this sequence arises naturally in the study of a particular set of spaces in geometric topology, but unfortunately the definition is a bit too involved to describe here.
I am interested in finding the generating function for this sequence in closed form. (It turns out that there is a strong analogy between the sequence and a Lucas sequence and so this is why I expect that there is some chance of there being a closed form.) This brings me to my question:
What are some references for the study of generating functions of the form
$$ \sum_{\substack{p,q\\coprime}} \alpha_{p,q} x^p y^q $$
and are there any well-known examples of such generating functions which are known to have a closed form?
(I am aware of the MSE questions 3972644 and 3138912 which are relevant and suggest that generating functions of this form are "hard", I am hoping that the community here might know of some successes in the area which I might be able to adapt to my problem; I have also become interested in knowing about the general case even independent of my problem.)