Let us consider $g\colon X\to Y$ holomorphic, where $X$ is a complex manifold and $Y$ is a Stein manifold.
I am searching for all the pairs $(X,Y)$ such that we can find some non constant $g$ with bounded image.
Clearly $X$ cannot be Euclidean, as we could apply Liouville, and any holomorphic mapping $g$ with dense image would be constant. What do I have to ask to $X$ to prevent this? I think at something like $X$ non Stein manifold, as (roughly speaking) this implies that every mapping defined on it could be holomorphically extended (even if there is no sourrounding space...but that's the point of Stein manifold: to give such an intrinsic charaterization) so the image of that space would not the image of the "biggest possible space", so we would not going for images of entire mappings, in a way.
Is my intuition meaningful? How can I get it rigorous? Thanks