Consider two diffusions given by $$X_j(t)=\int_0^t a_j(s,X_j(s))\,dW_s$$ for $j=1,2$ and $t\ge 0$, where $W_\cdot$ is a standard Wiener process/Brownian motion and the $a_j$'s are smooth enough functions such that $0\le a_1\le a_2$.
Does it then follow that $P(|X_1(1)|>x)\le P(|X_2(1)|>x)$ for all real $x$?
At least, does this comparison hold when $a_2$ is a constant?
There are a number of results comparing two diffusions with the same diffusion coefficients but with the drift of one of the two diffusions greater than the drift of the other one -- see e.g. Nakao. However, I have been unable to find a comparison of the desired kind.