In Stein Manifold and Holomorphic Mappings, by Forstnerič, I refer to Definition 8.9.9: An exposed point is a point belonging to a certain subset $\Sigma$ of $\Bbb C^2$, enjoying certain properties. This set $\Sigma$ is pointed as
Locally closed complex curve, possibly with boundary.
A complex curve is the holomorphic image of some open set $D\subseteq\Bbb C$ (including the whole $\Bbb C$).
Closed means that it coincides with its closure.
Calling $F\colon D\to\Bbb C^2$ holomorphic, we can extend it smoothly to the boundary $\overline D$ (in case $D\neq\Bbb C$) and define $\Sigma:=F(\overline D)$.
What does "locally" mean?
Why "possibly with boundary"? Does it have to have boundary or not?
Can somebody explain? Thanks