Let $X$, $Y$ and $Z$ be smooth manifolds and $$ X\xrightarrow{~f~}Y\xrightarrow{~g~}Z $$ be two composable embeddings. One can consider the normal bundles $N_{X/Y}\to X$ and $N_{Y/Z} \to Y$ and the normal bundle $N_{X/Z} \to X$ of the composition.
We know:
$N_{X/Z} \cong N_{X/Y} \oplus f^*N_{Y/Z}$ in this smooth setting, but the proof (as far as I know) uses splittings. To what extent does this work in the holomorphic category? Specifically, does this work for diagonal maps $\Delta: X \rightarrow X \times X$ and their iterative compositions? ($\Delta: X \times X \xrightarrow{id \times \Delta} X \times X \times X$ etc.)